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Our Service Standards
When you visit us we will:
- Greet you in a polite and friendly manner
- Help you with access or language requirements as best we can
- Provide you with advice and guidance to achieve your goals
- Provide a motorcycle to meet your individual needs for CBT (i.e. Geared or Automatic)
When you telephone we will:
- Answer your call in a polite and professional manner
- Answer your call as quickly as possible - our aim is to answer 80% of calls within 5 rings
- Respond to all messages left on voice mail within 1 working day
When you write to us or e-mail us we will:
- Acknowledge your letter or e-mail within 3 working days
- Explain why it will take longer, if we cannot reply in full within 10 working days
- Reply to you in plain, jargon-free English
- Respond by telephone where possible, especially if you have an urgent enquiry
Our Pledges to you
- To treat you with courtesy and respect
- To provide training services that meet your needs
- To be honest and open, take responsibility for your training and ensure you get the right advice and information
- To ensure all communication with us is clear and helpful
- To use your feedback to help us improve our training services in the future
What we ask of you
- Please treat our staff and premises with respect and consideration
- Please give us all the information we need to deal with your enquiry
- Please give us honest and constructive feedback so that we can improve our services in the future
- Please tell us if you have particular access or language needs
We recognise on occasions we may get it wrong or not do things that you think should have been done
Where we have let you down we will
- Try to put things right straight away
- Provide an explanation as to what has happened
- Agree a solution where possible
- Use what we learn from our mistakes to improve our services in the future
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